From Grandmaster Bobi : Old technologically - produced progressive eyeglasses – the problems and difficulties

Face Form Angle measurement on customer aka FFA

1. Beginning at the age of 40, many adults start losing their ability to see clearly. This visual problem gets worse as we grow older. Normally, people first notice their visual problem affecting near vision ( about 40 centimeters in distance ) at around the age of 40. After they turn 50, the problem progresses, so much that they cannot see things up to 1 meter in distance clearly. If they happen to wear bifocal eyeglasses ( made using the technology from 200 years ago ), they are able to see clearly the objects that are less than 40 centimeters and further than 1 meter away, however, their bifocals cannot facilitate clear vision of the objects that fall in the distance in between 40 centimeters and 1 meter. By the time they are 60 - 70 years old, people lose their ability to see things clearly up to 4 meters in distance, which also means that their distance judging ability automatically declines. Each year, a number of bifocals senior wearers fall, have their hips broken, and require hips replacement as a tragic impact from having poor vision.

CVD measurement

1.1 Bifocals not only look unfashionably ; they also produce the image jumps, demanding the wearers to put extra effort into staring heavily. Changing in the distance of vision swiftly also causes the wearers discomfort from slow focusing ability and unnatural feeling. All throughout 200 years since the first invention until today, many users still have a hard time trying to adjust themselves to the bifocals and trifocals, especially when they get in and out of a car, or walk up and down the steps or sloping ground.

PTA measurement

2. As a result, the first seamless multifocal progressive eyeglasses were invented and developed 100 years later, hoping to provide a better vision that comes with the wearing comfort at all distance. Today, progressive eyeglasses lens available at most eyeglasses vendors are produced utilizing the same old technology from that era. These lenses are made from ready-to-wear or semi-ready-to-wear lens structure that give an unclear and low quality of vision, resulting in wearing discomfort. The occurrence of peripheral vision distortion makes it harder for the wearers to adjust to the changing power of the lenses from distant vision to near vision. Coupled with the slow focusing ability, these lenses are troublesome to the wearers. Each year, a number of eyeglasses wearers are wasting more than 50,000 Thai Baht on these expensive, but impractical progressive eyeglasses lenses that do not come with a proper warranty and satisfaction guarantee from the lens manufacturers.

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3. Common problems of these old technologically made progressive eyeglasses are rooted from :

3.1 Low quality of lenses.

3.2 Unsuitable lens structure for each customer’s viewing behavior.

3.3 Inaccurate and imprecise eye examination.

3.4 The centers of the lenses are not well-positioned to match with the centers of pupils.

3.5 Over or under distance estimation between lenses and cornea.

3.6 Too little or too much base curve of the frames.

3.7 Bent eyeglasses.

3.8 Over or under measurement of pantoscopic tilt angle.

3.9 These factors affect 90% of the eyeglasses effectiveness and consequently give the wearing discomfort. A number of users are not able to wear their eyeglasses at all because the eyeglasses cause them dizziness and headache.

Face Form Angle measurement on customer aka FFA

4. At ISOPTIK, a world-class hi-end quality lenses design center – we offer an expertise in eye examination to create The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses made utilizing advanced digital 3D technology that produces 25 times more accurate and precise result than that of the general standard. Our exclusive top-notch lenses design and premium frames craftsmanship are tailored-made according to each customer’s viewing behavior and visual analysis so that our customers do not have to waste any of their time adjusting to our lenses. ISOPTIK’s eyepieces promise to give the natural wearing comfort that comes with fast image focusing ability. The lenses are specially designed to support curved frame six times higher than normal. We carefully create the excellent pair of eyeglasses that can improve your brain power drastically, as a result, you feel more empowered and energized like you were in your adolescence years of age.

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5. Bobi, therefore, introduced his multiplying-effect and breakthrough theory in premium eye examination for progressive eyeglasses. His theory can help all bifocals users to be able to adapt well to progressive eyeglasses lenses. At the world-class eyeglasses exhibition event in Shanghai, Bobi was invited to lecture and demonstrate his techniques in putting together the Hi-End progressive lenses on a mockup eyeglasses frame in front of eye experts and professionals from all over the world. The participants were so thrilled with Bobi’s lecture that he became instantly known as a great Thai master who was an expert in progressive lenses. With multiple days of lectures, though extremely exhausted, Bobi took great pride in making his name known as a Thai progressive eyeglasses expert at that event. From that day, Bobi has had thousands of fellow students who follow his lectures and techniques through, the official website of Advance Progressive Addition Lenses Club (APC), which is universally credited as the world-best website about eye examination for Hi-End progressive eyeglasses.

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6. ISOPTIK’s Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses are carefully produced using the latest technology in all stages of the making -- eye examination, lenses design, and assembling process – all are elaborately done under the highest level of quality control by Bobi, who is regarded as a world-class eye examination expert for The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses, to ensure all ISOPTIK’s customers receive the masterpiece quality of eyeglasses that contributes to the finest quality of vision to them.

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The ISOPTIK New Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses vs old technology progressive eyeglasses