Should one continues to wear the new glasses that feels weird and confusing even though it has been worn for many weeks ?
Normally, opticians would suggest the users to continue wearing the new glasses that feels weird and confusing even though it has been weeks of usage until the eyes are forced-adapted. This practice of force-adaption should be advised against.

We look with our eyes, but we see with our brains. In cases where the measurements are incorrect, low quality lenses are used, or the glasses is assembled incorrectly; the users may experience headaches, lack of clarity, and discomfort. If continues with force-usage for three months or longer, the brains will in-turns force-adjustment itself to the lenses or the positions of the eyeglasses. This cause faster and constant soreness in the eyes as wel l as less efficiency of the brain to its other chores, since the brain is continuously readjusting for clear visibility of the eyes. Most people are not aware of the effect to the brain functions caused by forced-adaptation for visibility.

ISOPTIK correctly analyses the visibility of the eyes along with its natural behaviors with precisions. The centre also designs the eyeglasses in shapes that match with the customer’ s eyes behaviors and real usage of the eyes. This creates effective eyeglasses that provides natural clarity and focus like it is part of a well-functioned organ of the customer’ s body.
For those whom wish to test ISOPTIK’s customized with the latest technologies Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses ability to help the functions of the brain, appointments can be made.