Mr. Chaiwat : Mr. Prasert Eiamrungroj is widely recognized as Black Sheep Runs Business , a renowned Business Consultancy firm in Bangkok.
Mr. Prasert : I spend most of my time reading in one day. It includes not only just books reading but also reading stuff on my computer or laptop which usually takes at least two hours. I was previously using prescription glasses made from the eyeglasses centre elsewhere. They were good enough at first but they became unbearable as time went by.
Mr. Chaiwat : Why ?
Mr. Prasert : They gave me a terrible dizziness when I used them. I didn’t know what to do and felt hopeless. One day , my partner suggested an eyeglasses centre called ISOPTIK and so I decided to pay a visit to this place. At first , I was shocked to find out how much it would cost me for a pair of lenses! I guess other people may as well find it shocking to hear that the cost is up to 100,000 Baht. However , I gave it a try.
In the past , I tried keeping glasses on all the time. I had to look through the lenses when I read. Alternatively , I had to look over the top of glasses when I wanted to talk to co - workers or see the distance. Having to keep moving my eyes made me feel terribly dizzy. After receiving my first pair from ISOPTIK , my life completely changed ! Now I can literally have my eyeglasses on all the time.
Mr. Chaiwat : What kind of vision problems do you have ?
Mr. Prasert : Short and long sightedness as well as astigmatism. I don’t remember the details , Bobi does.
Mr. Chaiwat : That's the whole set of vision problems. Typically , the solution to that in just a pair of lenses makes it difficult for eyeglasses wearer to have them on at all time. How was your experience at ISOPTIK ?
Mr. Prasert : I can practically have them on all the time. At first, Bobi advised me to have two pairs of eyeglasses made. I had to be frank, I hardly used the reading glasses. So , about two weeks ago , I was surprised when Bobi suggested that I should get the third pair made. I resented the idea , but as he tried to explain further , I finally came to my senses.
In your daily life , your viewing distance for a booking reading , a notebook reading , and see things are all different. That’s the reason why having three purposely - made pair of glasses would work best for me.
Apparently , he was right. It became even clearer and practical when I attempted to use the same eyeglasses reading from the books and the computer. The difference in clarity was obvious.
This means -- if your eyes are heavily used due to your work , this is definitely worth your money. I’m not saying this because Bobi asked me to. Most people would question me , why would you pay a couple hundred thousand for eyeglasses ? Here’s my answer, my brain and my eyes the most significant contributorsfor my work. Reading , thinking and writing are all a part of my work. Therefore , I seriously consider having decent pairs of eyeglasses as an investment.
Your brain sticks with you 24 hours a day. So , why spend 10 million Baht on a car that you can have only a maximum of 3 hours in it per day ?