
The picture shows normal retina of left eye.

The picture shows normal retina of right eye. It’s noted that orange retinal surface is lighter than the first picture, which can be explained by fewer pigment melanin granule in white people, compared with blacks or yellows.

Retinal surface in this picture cannot be seen clearly, because of lenticular opacity , in front of retina, blocks out light to reach retina. This will result in blurred vision as if seeing through frosted glass.

This picture shows retina in high myopes ( usually describe myopic of -6.00 D or more ). It shows abnormal optic disc, which have a typical tilted appearance ( Tilted disc ), and pigmentary alterations around optic disc, called temporal crescent.

This is also the picture of retina in high myopes

This retinal photography shows the abnormality of optic disc appearance in glaucoma patient. The vertical diameter of optic cup ( the pale area in optic disc ) , estimated in relation to optic disc diameter, is more than 0.5 mm.

The initial stage of Diabetic retinopathy causes blood vessel aberrations. Abnormal retinal blood vessels cause leaking of lipid ( cholesterol ) onto the retina, seen as yellow spots ( called Exudate ).

For the next stage of Diabetic retinopathy, widespread multiple tiny red dots ( dot hemorrhage ) , which result from small bleeding, are found in retinal surface. The white spot at the bottom of the image arises from the ischemia of the optic nerve fiber layer, called cotton wool spot.

The picture of Diabetic retinopathy in severe stage shows a large, boat shape bleeding area ( boat shape hemorrhage ) and new abnormal blood vessel, emerging in retina ( neovascularization ), are tortuous and look like spider web. These vessels can cause bleeding in eyes and peel retina away from its underlying tissue. The picture also shows the abnormal vessels in optic disc area.

The picture shows retina of Diabetic retinopathy after recently getting laser treatment. The laser spots are in white.

The picture shows Retina of a person with diabetic retinopathy, whom treated with laser to control the disease.

This picture shows retina of diabetic retinopathy patient who has been treated by laser as well.

The wrinkle and pigmentary change are seen at the center of macula. These result from epiretinal membrane, which is found in elderlies and found more common in the patient with diabetic retinopathy or retinal vessels occlusion.

The retinal photography of patient with retinal vessels occlusion shows blurry optic disc margin, called optic disc swelling or disc edema, scattering bleeding and tortuous retinal veins. It was found in elderly people who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes which poorly controlled.

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