AROON Eyewear can spread the temple opened up to 180 degrees, Casual style / Everyday look compatible with any gender and age.
Matched with Individual Progressive Lenses, ISOPTIK ECO SMP 3D 1.6 ( Clear )
Normal Price cost 42,800 Baht per set
Special price 23,800 Baht per set
Saving 19,000 Baht per set
Descriptions :
1. AROON Eyewear frame made from stainless steel manufactured from Germany. An advanced technology color coating ( Wagner IP Plating ) The advantage of this technology is anti color peeling off and it is popular among other brands around the world. A stainless steel material is a highly flexible material. Each frame is handcrafted. Their frame design and style concept “ Casual / Everyday look ” fitted with every gender and age.
The frame is able to blended and adjusted to the wearer.
A Screwless model or non screw joint made them extra durable against any blended, pressing or even accidently drop.
A lightweight frame only 10 gram leading to comfortable and lessen the nose pressing , regular price 7,800 Baht
( Frame Guarantee for 1 Years )
See the frame click :
2. An Economy Individual Progressive Lenses, ISOPTIK ECO SMP 3D 1.6 ( Clear ) which designed according to the specific behavior of each customer. Regular Price 35,000 Baht per pair.
Valid now until 31 March 2025
Remark : Digital 3D Eye examination + Trial Lenses set 12 levels + Eye health checked from optometrist charge 1,000 Baht