From Bobi: Are The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D progressive eyeglasses from expensive optician centers around the world same as ISOPTIK’s ?
Most expensive optician centers around the world believe that customized progressive eyeglasses by the latest technology are 100 times more expensive than those produced by the old technology. That not many customers will be willing to buy them. So these optician centers continue to sell progressive eyeglassess produced by old technology which give them much higher profits. I believe everyone with visibility issues need these new technology produced The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses.
The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses of the latest technology once used, the customers admit that even though it is expensive, it is a good product and can be used for a very long time. The customers only need to pay a little more than a thousand baht per month via installment payment thus with this customer’s logic, ISOPTIK was able to sell many of these latest technology The ISOPTIK Ultra Individual Digital 3 D Progressive Eyeglasses that cost million and earning the popularity around the world.
The pricings of customized with latest technology super progressive eyeglasses are from 100,000 to 22 million baht per pair.
Eye examinations are analyzed with the natural behaviors of the eyes which then provides the designed in which later are assembled for the best crafted eyeglasses with highest quality and precisions for a usage similarly to a younger eyes. ISOPTIK will also continue to develop and explore the best solutions for its customers.